Thursday, April 17, 2008

Melissa,Michele,Martha,and Me!

Well I have come to the conclusion that when God was handing out those neat "crafty" talents", I must have been in line for the bathroom! I stayed home from church last night with two very painful ear wasn't so much my ears, but the dizziness and nausea associated with them, that kept me home...So that was really irrelevant...My friend Melissa had been working on a baby gift for Justin and Kristal Hodges new baby girl, Jordyn...She FINISHED!! I LOVE IT!! She made a Texas Tech diaper bag for Justin, with Jordyn's name on it, and 6 beautiful burp clothes that are all monogrammed! I am SO impressed!! Not only am I impressed, but a bit jealous! Any time I go thinkin' that I am crafty, I end up with a crooked scarf (really, it happened) or ugly jewelry! And for any of you who haven't seen my nephew, Layton's bedding...ADORABLE! Our friend, Michele, made it! Really, Martha Stewart has nothing on these girls! So, as I sit here admiring their talents and being SO grateful that MY friends are SO willing to help the talentless, I am saddened, once again by my crooked, sad, ugly, scarf...BUT, I am thinking that I am going to try knitting, once again! I REALLY want to be crafty! Oh...and did I mention that Michele's daughter, Maci, (who was 14 or 15 at the time) was the one who was patient enough to teach me to knit, in the 1st place! I am pretty pitiful, indeed!

(Thank you Melissa...I will pay you Sunday...I LOVE both, the BAG and BURP CLOTHES! AMAZING!!!!)

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

You Gotta Have Faith!

Faith is stronger than fear! this is a quote that Jake repeats before every baseball game! Honestly, I can't remember who said it, but it is a nice thing to remember! I can honestly say that over the past 3 or 4 years my faith has grown immeasurably!! God has used so many things in my life to grow my faith! The biggest things have been Jaxsen's miraculous recovery from crazy illnesses and the life of my baby sister, Carri, and her husband, Lance! If you are reading this and you don't know them, then you are missing out! They are amazing! They don't pretend to be perfect and finally realize that they don't have to be to be loved! I love watching God working in their lives! They have such a powerful testimony and I am so blessed to watch it constantly evolve!
Over the past week, God gave me a new, and very powerful, lesson in faith! My friend Jessica's daughter, Aaris, had open-heart surgery! She is Jaxsen's age! It was quite a faith journey for anyone who witnessed it! Aaron and Jessica were incredible! They kept a blog on a care page through the hospital, keeping everyone informed of Aaris's progress and what we could all be praying for! It was just incredible! Each time they posted a specific request, the message board lit up with prayers and well wishes for Aaris and her family...and as God tends to do He pulled through in Mighty ways! The next post would be how He had answered our prayers for that specific thing! I can't imaging how many people were touched through their great faith, in such a difficult and stressful time! I was blown away, once again, by the power of our MIGHTY GOD! He is SO GOOD! Props, also, to all of my precious friends~ who don't even know the Denningtons~ who fasted, have been praying, and have been calling for updates! You are all so amazing and Jess appreciates you more than you will ever know!
Just a brief history...Jessica lived 2 doors down from me in the dorm @ Lubbock Christian University! She was someone who I looked up to and adored! I reconnected with her on My Space and could not be happier to have her as a friend! She is a woman of great faith who is totally beautiful on the inside and out!
Thank you God for caring for sweet Aaris...and for growing so many people's faith in the process!
All Glory and Honor and Praise to Him!

I've been Tagged!

I have been TAGGED...What fun~I haven't played tag for months!! (I know, most of you thought I was going to say that I haven't played tag for years...I have'd be surprised at all of the goofy games we play!!)
So, my sister tagged me and shared some FUNNY stuff about herself. Now it is my turn to share "little known", fun facts about Yours Truly!!
Here are the rules...
1.Link your tagger. Post the rules.
2.Share 7 facts about yourself (the more random and stranger, the better!)
3. Tag 7 friends...if you have 7 friends! :)
4. Leave a comment letting then know that they've been "tagged"! (I have no clue who I am tagging b/c all of my bloggin' buddies have been tagged!)

Here Goes....
1. Like my sister...I have a very irrational fear of birds! I can't begin to tell you how creepy i find them! There isn't anything more repulsive to me than a HUGE flock of birds! If I am outside and a tree is totally full of birds, I have a bit of a panic attack and throw up in my mouth a little!
2.I wanted desperately to be a boy until I was about 10 years old! I was SUCH a tomboy and had very little use for girls. I had 2 good girl friends, but we had NOTHING in common! I was the only girl on my tee ball team when I was 5. I had boy hair, by the other parents and coaches would yell, "GET HIM..GET HIM.." when I would run bases! I loved it, but my mom must not have, because she made me start wearing pink high tops when I played! HATED THOSE STUPID SHOES!!
3.I am somewhat obsessed with AMERICAN IDOL! I love to sing and am fascinated by watching those who are far more talented than I am! I don't like the early ones...the tryouts kill me! There is no way that those people think that they are really good enough to make records! SO ANNOYING!! I love the shows from top 24 on! This season I am totally blown away by Carly Smithson and David Cook!
4. I am still friends with my first boyfriend...His name is Tony Armstrong and he still lives in Houston! I had my first kiss with him, as well as, my first broken heart! We were close friends, even when we weren't "going together" but I had a crush on him until I was a senior in high school...We were together in junior high, and still found ourselves together on and off until high school began! Now, we are fiends and still talk a couple of times a year! I pray, often, that he will find someone to marry (he is still single at 32) that will make him as happy as Jason makes me!
5. I LOVE TO FISH!! I hate to eat fish...I mean HATE!! I don't eat any kind of seafood, but love, love, love to fish!! I am still a bit of a tomboy, I suppose! Give me camping and fishing over shopping ANY DAY!!
6.I really want to live in Belize, full time, someday! I pray that my new job will be the door to a future in full time missions! I loved the poor little village that we worked in last summer! I loved being there and needing nothing! I really loved the simplicity of their lives and the genuine joy that I saw in them! I long for a life that is simple and only about sharing God's word~
7. I married my best friend who proposed to me on our first "real" date! CRAZY!! Jason and i had never been on a date until the night that he asked me to marry him! We had worked together and become the best of friends! I had been helping him plan dates for other girls...secretly jealous, of course! Our first real kiss came after we were engaged! Crazy, huh! All of our co-workers thought that we were INSANE and placed bets on how soon we would divorce! HA HA...they ALL lost! Nobody gave us more than a year or two! We will have been married for 11 years on July 26 of this year!!

To Blog or not to Blog...that is the question~

I am not off to such a great start~ Finding time to sit down and put together my a manner that can be interpreted by others...has proven to be much more difficult than I thought! It seems that my sitting down and attempting this, is a subliminal invitation to all who know me to call, or for my boys to need my undivided attention~ I have much to say...(shocker, I know) but can't seem to find the time to say it! So...starting today, I am going to schedule in some blogging time! I don't seem to accomplish anything without carving out a specific time to do it! So, soon you will be able to read my nightly thoughts...I plan to spend 15 to 20 minutes in front of the computer, every night around 9:30...just after putting my little boys to bed and just before tucking my big boy in...Jason goes to be much earlier than I do, so I often use the late night hours to study and journal. Right now, I am doing an amazing study on healing~ It has been so enlightening!!
All of that was to say that I want you all to stay tuned...I am going to be more consistent starting tonight!! Stay tuned!!
Love and Blessings!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Let the Blogging Begin!

Well, I just didn't feel cool without a blog of my very own! I found myself coviting my "neighbors" blogs....After having to ask Melissa and Carri how the heck to even get this up and running...I have achieved success! I have no idea what I will do with this new found coolness :), but time will tell~
In all seriousness, I am excited to have a place where I can share what is on my heart! I am about to begin one of my life's greatest journeys and I look forward to taking you all along for the ride! I have been given a great gift, by being added to the Praying Pelican Missions team. I will be in Minnesota, for a retreat and training, May 2-4. I am so excited what God will do through this opportunity! I know that He will continue to stretch, grow, and mold me into the servant He needs for me to be! It is sure to be a very interesting and life-changing summer....I can't wait to share!