Wednesday, October 1, 2008

It's Hard to Be Humble!

(This is what I was originally going to post today...I am really switching gears here, but I feel like God really wants me to share this...)
I love when God shows His strength through our weakness...His glory is seen so clearly when we allow him to use our struggles to show how wonderful He is. If we will let Him, He matures us and teaches us so much through those times where we stumble, or totally fall flat on our faces. So often, non-christians get such a horrible taste of what "Christianity" is all about, when we refuse to humble ourselves and let Him work out our mistakes for His glory. Nobody likes to be wrong ,or to have to humble themselves...really, if you are totally honest! I don't know anyone who just LOVES apologies! As humans, we really enjoy being right...but, we learn and grow SO much when we just admit that we are wrong. Not only can we learn a lot from it, but as a Christian...the world is watching! Even in the small things...people notice, good or bad...they do. And if you are in any kind of leadership role...EVERYONE is watching. A precious, dear, sweet, friend of mine had a chance to let God work in this way, in his life, this week. He screwed up...I can't think of a better way to say it than that! He lost his temper and others were around to witness this. It wasn't anything earth shattering, but he was wrong. He knew it and he was sorry. He could have just been sorry, or just said, "I'm sorry!" Most of us would have been concerned with how it made US look and what others thought of US! He wasn't. Yeah, he was embarressed, but his concern had little ,if anything to with himself. He is such an incredible example of true repentance and humility. He was so humble in Spirit and the way that he handled it prompted me to examine how I handle situations that I may face. I encourage each of you to do the same. You don't have to know my sweet brother or the situation, to follow his incredible example.He made sure to "make it right" with any and everyone that his actions may have affected! His concerns were so pure hearted. He wasn't concern with how his actions made him look, really. He was VERY upset that he had reflected so poorly on His Father, Savior, and the Body of Christ. If we all considered this, and nothing else, when we examined our actions, what an amazing world this would be! It is hard to be HUMBLE. I will be HUMBLE enough to admit that, but I am going to really do my best to follow the example of this very dear friend! And my friend, you know who you are...I have never had more respect for you a brother, friend, leader, man of God, etc. I am so proud of you! You are a great example to all of us! None of us is perfect, but His Grace is Enough!! I Love you, My Brother!! I really will do my best to follow your example!

1 comment:

Keri said...

You are so right! I think we all struggle with this to some degree. Eating crow is never tasty but the rewards are great.

You are talking about a really great man in my opinion.