Thursday, September 25, 2008

A Few Quick Things!

First of all...I really need some help (Melissa) with this blog...nothing on here matches or is cute or anything! I never even remember what colors are on here! HELP!
Next...Jason was so freaked out that I actually blogged about my uterus and my IUD and stuff! He was totally freaked out that I wrote about that for all the world to see. He was in utter shock that I was so candid! I am pretty sure that we have been married and living under the same roof for over a decade...And my last 2 blog posts surprised him? Does he not know me at all? So, after being reprimanded...not really, he was too appalled to reprimand...I feel the need to share that I will no longer be blogging about my reproductive system in such detail...I would certainly not want to attract any crazies who may be on the net searching for talk of women and their uterus! :)
I, Kristi, will from now on blog about things like boogers and baseball, and all of the other fun things that are relevant in the life of a mom with 2 boys!


Keri said...

You crack me up!! Yea even though you are a girl and deal with girl stuff you are suppose to only talk about boogers and baseball. Silly boys!

Keri said...

BTW!!! So glad to see you back blogging. I almost gave up on you.

Andy said...

HAHA!! I thought it was great blogging material! Looking forward to more posts--about boogers of course. :)