Sunday, September 21, 2008

Miracle of all miracles!

This is just CRAZY! I just signed on to create a new blogspot account, because my password would not work....not just once or twice....For months and months! I had given up on blogging! Now that I have this handy new laptop, I decided to give it one more try...Well, my goofy password...the same one that I have been using forever just worked! I guess God was telling me that I need to keep my thoughts to myself for a while! So, now y'all are in trouble...He has released me from my blogging slumber! Look out blogging world!
I really mean it this time, Carri, I am going to be cool like you! Not AS COOL as you, just cool LIKE you!
More to come soon!

1 comment:

Andy said...

AWESOME to see you back!! Email me and I'll hook you up w/a design! :)